5 Easy Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays
From Thanksgiving until New Year’s Day, most of us struggle to find a balance between our health and our fun. No one wants to be a Debbie Downer and bow out of every party, office potluck, and holiday happy hour just to “be good”. It’s completely possible to participate in the events and still keep your wellness on the radar.
Follow these 5 easy tips to get through the season healthy while still having a ball!
Tip #1: Exercise for (at least) 30 min a day
You don’t have to go all out, but by all means if you want to a couple of days a week, go for it! Just move your body. Get your heart rate in that range where it’s doable, but still challenging. Walking around shopping isn’t going to cut it here. Think brisk walks, jogs, or runs if that’s your jam. HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts and MIIT (moderate intensity interval training - I might have just made that up) workouts, elliptical, rower, etc…. Get your heart rate going.
Interested in a virtual class? Click here!
Tip #2: Take your Lifelong Vitality and use On Guard daily
Lifelong Vitality is a daily multivitamin. It’s bioavailable, which means none of it is synthetic. Your body knows how to completely use every single big of it. None of it goes to waste and none of it is harmful to your body. Ditch multivitamins from Wal-Mart, Walgreens, CVS, Costco, Sam’s, Target, etc…..unless you just like tossing your money in the trash. Just kidding….sorta. These vitamins have 30 day money back guarantee, but I’ve never heard of anyone actually sending back the empty bottles. They work.
On Guard blend is a staple in our house. We roll it on, take it internally, and diffuse for aromatherapy. All daily! On Guard is the one oil I’ll never give up. It keeps us healthy year round!
Tip #3: Get adequate sleep
Y’all know your sweet spot. For some people it’s 9 hours, some people it’s 7 hours. Get yours. Every night. Fight the urge to stay up and binge watch a show. You need your sleep, especially around the holidays because we are busy, busy, busy. You have to stop, rest, and recover if you want to make it to New Year’s without losing your health and your mind! Start today!
Tip #4: Don’t forget about your gut! Take your Terrazyme and PB Assist.
We’ve all heard it before from out mother or grandmother, “You are what you eat”. Well sorta….it’s more accurate to say “you are what you absorb”. And guess what. We can only absorb what our enzymes allow us to. Yes, we make our own digestive enzymes, but every 10 years we stop making about 11%. WOW! I’m down 40% of what I made as a child!
We also wreak havoc on our gut during the holidays especially. Don’t forget to restore what you are damaging with PB Assist probiotics. Keeping your gut balanced will help with your sleep pattern and well as your mood as some tend to get the holiday “blahs”.
Tip #5: EAT THE TREAT, but not 10 treats!
Have dessert! It’ll only make you feel terrible if you don’t! Have it. But pick your favorite and stick to that. No need to have 10, or 5, or even 2-3. Just have one. Indulge. But remember, if you don’t normally have the dessert, Tip #1 is going to be extra important here. ;)
How can you get started on the right foot? Simply check this out!
Stay Healthy for the Holidays pack - HERE or scan this QR code to buy!
Healthy for the Holidays Starter Pack